Sunday, December 6, 2009

false reports about doggie stalker

doggie police chief rio and doggie police captain pippn were giving false reports about doggie stalker in area, but a doggie police heilcopter saw a group of cars parked near the oranzation of evil, there were new police reports, that rap singers jay-z, and souja boy,and kanye west and and lady gaga , a alien from another planet, 70 million milions milies from her solar system, beyond the planet earth's.
the alien named lady is wanted by the f.b.i and the c.i.a.
there are uncomfirmed news reports, that lady gaga, rap singers jay-z, kanye west and souja boy are planning on joining the oranzation of evil, so they can make more money to buy guns and bullet proof vests and give music award shows major problems.
doggie police commission bone will launch a major manhunt for those 3 rap singers and that alien from another planet, who has one of the weridest types of clothes to wear, at award shows.
the f.b.i and c.i.a and the doggie state police department will called to help, and so will 40,000 human and doggie well armed u.s army rangers, who will be well armed.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

reports of a doggie stalker in the area.

police officers named rio and pippin who work at the newly build doggie police deptment, with some human police officers who their there.
there reports of a sneaky doggie stalker in the area, driving in his very fast sports, which has jet engines on its car's motor.
there calls from very friendly humans and very loud dogs, about seeing a very sneaky and very fast doggie stalker stalking around the neiborhood , being sneaking and sneaking people, being silly.
police officer pipin who is chief of police and rio is a police captain, they both sent 2 doggie police cars, to drive to drive to that neighborhood, doggie police sgt.jet and 3 other doggie police officers in 2 doggie police cars were sent, along a human state police car, with 2 very brave human state troopers sent in to help those very brave doggie police officer.
there were police reports that the doggie stalker heading towards molly's house, which she got home to her house, from a very long work day.